Alpacas in the mothers association?!
Through our intensive work together in the Precious soil mother association, we have used the space in recent years to strengthen our connection. We quickly realized that this could be supported by working together on projects. By implementing smaller projects of the heart within the framework of the mother association, we are developing a voluntary and binding basis on which we can work together. This includes, for example, the establishment and maintenance of a tree nursery and the development of a small alpaca farm. In April 2024, after months of indoor and outdoor preparations, five adorable furry friends moved in with us. Over the last few months, we have welcomed two more cute little ones. More on this below.
This is not just about enjoying these sensitive, gentle animals, but also about a fruitful investment for the association on various levels. In addition to meeting the animals, learning from and with each other, we would also like to offer products made from the great wool, alpaca soap, fertilizer and nice events for our association members in the near future. ❤️
Here we introduce you to our seven velvet snouts. And for anyone else who is interested, we share news about the animals and our experiences with them almost daily on Instagram and Facebook. We tell you about the two births, funny stories about what is going on in our daily work and also about the difficulties being an "alpaka-farmer".
Would you like to be part of our alpaca family and support us with this project? Then you can now become a sponsor of one of our animals! 🤩 As a sponsor and thus a supporting member of the association, you not only support your sponsored animal with a sponsorship contribution and receive news and information about your animal, but also other gifts - see below!
Jutás: Our two big boys are true-bred Hungarians. Jutas (pronounced “Yootash”) is a tall but delicate stallion of two years old. His pale pink skin shimmers through his white fleece, especially around his ears. You can easily tell what he's feeling by looking at his bright face, and sometimes his behavior is truly comical. But most of the time, he has a sweet smile on his face. While he knows how to get his way with his buddy Koppány, he has so far shown excellent manners when dealing with us humans. He is a real gentleman alpaca—as long as you don't try to touch his hooves, because then he turns to stone—let go, stay put, and don't move anymore. Of course, his feet are already folded under his body, that goes without saying, right?
Become Jutás´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Jutas-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Jutas an email, he is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life:
Koppány: Unsere kleine hellbraune Zuckerschnute mit den riesigen Engelsaugen hat mit Abstand das dichteste Flies von allen – wenn man ihm ins Winterfell fasst, bleibt dort tatsächlich ein Handabdruck bestehen! Unser braunes verfressenes Engelchen kann kein Wasser trüben, solange genug Leckerchen da sind. Sollten diese ausbleiben, bzw. zuerst in Jutas´ Maul wandern, macht er seinem Unmut jedoch lauthals Luft. Koppy ist ein eher kleiner Hengst, der seine fehlende Körpergröße jedoch mit Vorwitz ausgleicht – Jutas muss ganz schön schauen, dass er die Hosen anbehält und sie nicht von unserem 20 Monate alten Zwerg ausgezogen bekommt!
Become Koppány´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Koppány-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Koppány an email, he is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life:
Lilly: Our lady boss with the funny bat ears has been through a lot in her life – the ears didn't come from nothing, apparently they were cut off when she was young (most likely because she had ear tags that the owners at the time didn't like)! After she was able to settle down at our breeder's place and gave birth to two wonderful crias (Larissa and Luna), the 7-year-old mare has now been allowed to lead her own small herd with us since spring. Due to her experiences, Lilly is a cautious but nevertheless confident boss who also knows how to put her “subordinates” in their place – her big girls watch out when Mama puts her ears back, while the two little ones continue to enjoy their puppy protection for a while.
Become Lilly´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Lilly-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Lilly an email, she is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life:
Luna: Our sweet young mare, also a daughter of Lilly, lives up to her name. As a true mooncalf, she is always good for a laugh with her lively facial expressions and at 1.5 years old, she is still very curious: everything new is stared at wide-eyed and sniffed at. Her ears try to make up for mommy's short ears – they are extra long and practically have a life of their own at the back of her head. Luna loves treats, but she's not so keen on the halter. Together with her brother Attila, she bounds elegantly across the meadow, but when it comes to the best hay in the feeding trough, Luna quickly shows the little one who's the boss. With her brown and white spotted coat, Luna brings a lot of color to the herd and we are very excited about her future foals!
Become Luna´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Luna-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Luna an email, she is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life:
Larissa: Our three-year-old dark beauty with the big eyes is the oldest daughter of our boss Lilly. She is a peace-loving, gentle mare who gave birth to her first foal in September without any complications. She has been a wonderful mother to him ever since – little Andrian is her world. Larissa has a rather reserved character and prefers to send her little sister Luna to check out the situation first. This works quite well, because while Luna is in front checking things out, Larissa can quietly eat her fill at the feeding trough at the back.
Become Larissa´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Larissa-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Larissa an email, she is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life:
Attila: Our “firstborn” among the Precoious Soil alpacas is the little “beast” Attila. With a birth weight of 9 kg, he came into our lives quite suddenly. At least, that's what we assume. He may have been brought by the stork, because when we came to the pasture in July, he was already there, ready to go. Although he has the same color fur as his mother, Attila has a completely different character: His mixture of “cheeky boy” and “just lovely” makes him irresistible. He shows great interest in us humans and we are already looking forward to his walking qualities as soon as he has outgrown the alpaca diapers.
Become Attila´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Attila-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Attila an email, he is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life:
Andrian: Larissa's pampered only child was a real surprise when he was born in mid-September. We hadn't expected such a light, colorful foal from our dark mother, but we were all the more delighted when we saw this caramel-colored, delicate ball. The white front hooves, the white beard and a few white and brown spots make him even more handsome. To top it all off, he seems to have inherited his mother's beautiful eyes. But as sweet as he is, behind those ears, he definitely seems to have it in him too – the little man knew exactly what he wanted and didn't want from the very beginning!
Become Andrian´s sponsor! ❤️
🦙 The perfect gift idea for every alpaca fan
🦙 Valid for 1 year (no subscription, no cancellation necessary)
🦙 1 visit to Hungary for a ‘Meet&Greet’ with your sponsored alpaca included
🦙 your personal ‘Andrian-Song’ as Mp3
🦙 Sponsorship certificate can also be printed out in advance (after receipt of payment)
🦙 Support your favourite animal with a one-year sponsorship including supporting membership for €57
Write Andrian an email, he is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to tell you about his life: