Become a supporting member

Do you think it is good and worthy of support that we contribute with our work to enabling people to live in nature and harmony? Then you can get involved in our association as a funder or supporter. You can register and receive regular internal information (association podcast & newsletter). We also plan visitor days where you can talk to us in person.
As a funder, you are closely connected with us. Your financial support helps our non-profit organisation to complete the tasks at hand. As a thank you for your support, you will receive exclusive access to our association podcast via our website. Here we will regularly publish our talks on current topics. This way you will be very close to the action. We will also keep you informed via our newsletter. You are free to choose your one-time sponsorship fee (one year) between five and ninety-nine euros.

Your benefits as a funder

you get access to the exclusive content on the website (podcast)
you receive regular information in the form of a newsletter
become part of the change for a better future of humanity
Register as a supporting member
As a supporter you will get in touch with us. Your financial support helps our non-profit organisation to complete the tasks at hand. As a thank you for your support, you will receive exclusive access to our association podcast and newsletter, as well as the opportunity to meet us in person at the planned visitors' days and exchange ideas with us. This way you are very close to us. You are free to choose your one-time supporter contribution (one year) starting at 100 euros.

Your benefits as a supporter

you will be invited to our visitor days / weekends
you get access to the exclusive content on the website (podcast)
you receive regular information in the form of a newsletter
you become part of the change for a better future of humanity
Register as a supporting member

Please note

Transfers from currencies other than euros will incur exchange fees at our bank. For such transfers, we recommend sending at least 20 euros.

Protection of your data and payment process

We deliberately do not use external payment providers because we do not want to pass on your data. For the payment process, we therefore ask for your assistance. When you register via the support membership form, your membership number will be generated, which you can find in your profile (e.g.: supportno1234). Please enter this number in the subject of your bank transfer so that we can activate your access on the website within 5 working days.

Standing order and cancellation

We recommend that you set up a standing order on an annual basis. This makes it easier for us to manage your account. However, you will also be reminded of the renewed payment 14 days before the end of the subscription year via email. You can of course cancel your supporting membership at any time and conveniently at the end of your payment period. All you need to do is send us an email.

Register as a supporting member

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